When you return home from a study abroad opportunity all you want to do is talk about your experience... and we want to hear it! There are many different ways for you to get involved and share the life-changing opportunities you had and help encourage others to participate!
CIP puts on many different events throughout the year and we need your help to make them a success. Often times we will send out an email asking for volunteers at our upcoming event, so be sure to check your inboxes! Below there are two of our main volunteering opportunities:
- Study Abroad Fair - October
- Traveller's Connection Night - November and March
Be a CIP Peer Helper
During the fall and winter semesters, CIP has four Peer Helper positions that help to run events, manage our social media accounts, answer students questions about study abroad, and more. Find out more about the Peer Helper Program here [1].
Study Abroad Ambassador
We are creating Study Abroad Ambassador profiles of our past participants as a resource for prospective students to gain an understanding of what exchange is really like. If you would like to participate please complete the appropriate Study Abroad Ambassador form below. You can also check out what our current Ambassadors have to say here [2].