Graduate Student International Academic Travel

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There are a variety of opportunities for graduate students to add international content to their research or courses.

Academic Travel Abroad

Academic travel can include research placements, field work, conference attendance, internships, training, study abroad programs or other experiential learning outside of Canada (including the U.S.A.) Travelling as part of your academic experience requires planning and must be in keeping with the University's Safe International Travel Policy and travel preparation and pre-departure orientation requirements. Academic travel by students is not allowed if the destination country or region has a Global Affairs Canada travel advisory of Level 3 (avoid all non-essential travel) or Level 4 (avoid all travel). Check the status of your destination at Follow this link for more on Safe Travel requirements.

Graduate Students travelling on a University-related activity are required to:

Research Abroad

Conducting your research abroad requires additional considerations including ethics and research agreements with collaborators abroad. Check out our research abroad page for info. 

International Study Option

The international study option allows you to get an acknowledgement of your study abroad activities on your transcript.