Office Hours

Contacting CIP

Summer hours: Looking to visit CIP in-person? Our staff is available for students and other visitors Monday-Thursday 10am-3:30pm from May 8-August 26th. Message us first to make sure the person you want is in the office that day.

*Note, our office space is scent-free. If you plan to stop by the office, please respect the scent-free policy.

Who is in the Office:

If there is no one at the front desk to connect you with the CIP staff, please send a Microsoft Teams message to the appropriate person below.
'X' means in the office. If the space is blank, that is a work-from-home day.

Day Jacqueline Juan Dimitra Allison Lynne
Email/Teams Contact goabroad eaa-arts dstefo abroadbe lmitchel
Monday X X X X X
Tuesday X       X
Wednesday   X X X  
Thursday X   X   X
Friday   X   X  

*note: these dates are subject to change but will give you a good idea of who you can find in the office on each day of the week. If you need to meet with someone specific, it may be best to book a meeting to make sure they are available. 

Who to speak with:

If you aren't sure who to speak with, please review the options below:


  • CIP Peer Helpers
  • Noor Ul Ain

For questions about:

  • General inquiries about how to study abroad
  • *If you have an in-person meeting with a CIP staff member, you will need to wait for them at the front desk



For questions about:

  • Incoming Exchange Students: course registration, signing your learning agreement, adjusting to Guelph, questions about where to find help, etc.
  • Outgoing Exchange Students: EPCS forms, pre-departure orientation, host university applications, etc.


  • Dimitra Stefopolou

For questions about:

  • Paying the $85 admin fee or Field School fees, etc.
  • Technical issues regarding the online application
  • DepartSmart and Guard.Me information



  • Allison Broadbent

For questions about:

  • ELAP and SEED Scholarships
  • Field Schools
