Michael A. Field School Ambassador
What is one word to describe your study abroad experience:
"Just do it! A lot of people say they want to do it but never pull the trigger."
Greece Field School participant
Duration of Field School: 3.5 weeks
Summer semester
Studying Management of Economics & Finance
- What did a typical day in this Field School look like?
Usually going to a museum or a temple and discussing the readings.
- What did you have to do for the course component of this Field School? How did it impact your degree?
We just had some readings we’d have due every other day and a couple discussion posts on things you might have seen on a field trip. Two projects after the trip. Used this to get one of my last free elective credits.
- What did you think of your Field School coordinator?
John was a great teacher and takes more of a you learn what you're interested in approach. For example he doesn’t make you memorize certain things. While you're on a trip, he’s there for you to ask questions about what you're seeing and connect it to your readings. It was like always having your own personal guide to ancient Greece.
- How many other U of G students did you travel with? And what did you think of travelling with other students?
About 12 other students. It was fun, although I wish there was at least one other male in the group so I’d have someone to room with instead of being separated in the hostel.
- How did you interact with the local community during your Field School?
Usually on days off or field trips we can go out and explore.
- What influenced your decision to participate in a Field School opportunity?
I had never been to Europe before.
- What was the best thing that happened during your Field School? Explain.
All the new experiences that I got to have. People, food, culture, architecture, islands!
- Where was the coolest place you traveled to during your study abroad experience?
- What was the biggest cultural adaptation you had to make?
Maybe the food style. Generally you order dishes and share them among your table.
- What was your best learning moment?
Being able to ask the professor what ever I was curious about on the field trips relating to Ancient Greece.
- If you were to recommend this field school to your best friend, what would you say?
Just do it! A lot of people say they want to do it but never pull the trigger. If it’s a money problem they should know there are grants you can apply to!
- Would it be helpful to learn another language for this Field School?
Pretty much everyone speaks English I found. Although, it’s nice to know some simple phrases.
- How did you finance your study abroad experience?
Through grants and out of pocket.
- What are your packing recommendations?
Pack knowing you can do laundry while you’re there. For 5 dollars we could give our laundry to front desk of our hostel and have it washed and dried.
- Is there any other helpful information you would like to share with future study abroad participants?
Maybe make a list of things you want to see or places you want to go on days off. We were in Athens for a while so you can see everything pretty quick. So it would be a good idea to plan to do stuff on the days off/ go somewhere so you're not sitting in the hostel.