Explore the Shanghai Semester Abroad option
Learn more about our Shanghai Semester Abroad Program, for an opportunity to study abroad in the "most exciting city in the world."
Learn more about our Shanghai Semester Abroad Program, for an opportunity to study abroad in the "most exciting city in the world."
Thank you to everyone for applying to study abroad. We had 352 online applications submitted by the deadline! We are still accepting paper applications for the Summer Language Programs, Summer Research Programs, and Field Schools. Explore our website to find out more!
CIP is happy to announce our newest exchange partner with Aberystwyth University, the first University institution established in Wales
Our Study Abroad Information Sessions have begun! Come learn about your study abroad options and the study abroad application process for the 2015-16 academic year from one of our knowledgeable Peer Helpers (many of whom have studied abroad themselves!). You must attend an information session in order to get access to the study abroad application.
Study Aboad Information Sessions are offered three times per week in the Fall semester:
We're on Facebook. Go "Like" the CIP Facebook page for updates and important information for past, present, and future study abroad participants.